Sunday, December 21, 2014

Creating your Logo

A logo is a graphic, a symbol of other design, used to express the identity of a business. Unless you are a graphic designer, or can afford to hire one, this may not come so easy. But, not to worry. A photo or a simple drawing can be used as well, if it is your original creation and does not copy the work of others and conveys your identity. For independent entrepreneurs, a photo or drawing (which can easily be made from a photo) of yourself is often used. Take a photo of yourself in a situation that demonstrates your strong qualities. If you then put a caption on the photo to express your qualities in some artful way, you will be good to go. If you do not feel that a photo of you truly expresses your best qualities (and many people feel that way), an original photo of some animal or natural object may serve even better. (For example, if you want to convey strength, a photo of a large powerful animal would work. If you want to convey speed and loftiness, a photo of a flying bird might work.) The important thing is that your logo convey what you want it to convey--your attractive qualities that will appeal to your target audience.

There are many free or very inexpensive Websites that can help you create your own logo. Just Google the phrase "free logo creator" and you will find several.
 There are also several graphic software programs available, many for free. The important thing to remember is that you do not just want "a professional looking logo," you want a logo that professionally and dramatically conveys your unique qualities. The free sites and software often use stock graphics that are in the public domain. They may or may not have one that works best for you. Do not settle for something just because it looks professional. If it looks professional for anyone who might use it, it may be too generic to convey your uniqueness. Slight modifications or the addition of your unique slogan, however, may do the trick.                                                                                         

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